Dr. Teodora Cosmina Dușan

Pediatric Dentist

Dr. Teodora Cosmina Dușan

Pediatric Dentist


Graduating from UMF Victor Babeș Timișoara, in 2018 she gets admitted to the University of Aquilla Italia for a Master’s Degree in “Pediatric dentistry and Interceptive Orthodontics”.

In her solely pedodontic practice for over 10 years, he has been treating various pathologies for more than 3,500 children between the ages of 0-17, performing exclysive pedodontic treatments, as well as inhalation sedation and general anesthesia techniques.

She “befriended” children’s most current and feared dental pathologies such as dental demineralization, ECC, MIH, pulp pathology, emphasizing interceptive orthodontics and the deconditioning of vicious habits. She discovered gentle and effective approaches which helped her provide answers and solutions.

She is one of the lucky ones who turned her passion into a job and she is very excited to pass on her knowledge.

She regularly organizes education sessions, both for parents through the webinars on topics like: Dental demineralization in children – an ongoing challenge! or What happens to children’s teeth by age stages!, and for the dentists passionate about pedodontics, through one to one internships in her dental cabinet.

She is a founding member of the Education, Prevention and Intervention in Pediatric Dentistry Association, wanting to offer children atraumatic and effective treatments, thus directly impacting their relationship with the dentist and automatically with their dental health as future adults.

As Romanian dentists need updated information in children treatment, she decided to organize the first international event of pediatric dentistry called “The next Level in Pedodontics. A shared view for all dentists”, held in Timisoara, from 27 to 28 October, addressing to all dentists who treat children, both generalists and specialists.

All sessions by Dr. Teodora Cosmina Dușan

Welcoming and introduction

25 Oct 2024
09:00 - 09:30
Multifunctional hall of the Timiș County Council