LM Workshop – Malocclusions in primary and early mixed dentition using eruption guidance appliances – theoretical part and hands-on.

29 Oct 2023
09:00 - 13:00
Hotel Atlas

LM Workshop – Malocclusions in primary and early mixed dentition using eruption guidance appliances – theoretical part and hands-on.

by Medident Exim


Treatment of malocclusions in primary and early mixed dentition using eruption guidance appliances – Theoretical part and hands-on.

  • Early interceptive treatment
  • LM-Trainer™ products
  • What is LM-Activator™ and how does it work
  • Indications – when to use LM-Activator™
  • Contraindications – when not to use LM-Activator™
  • Advantages for treating patients with LM-Activator™
  • General steps on how to choose the LM-Activator™ model