MASTERCLASS: Malocclusion prevention course in infants
The participants will be able to identify potential risks of maloclusion in the baby and proposals for preventive intervention
Course highlights:
● there are no similar courses.
● the student will receive tools for diagnosis and intervention in infants based on transdisciplinary care and on current scientific evidence.
Program content:
● basis for the prevention of maloclusion infants
● how to qualify to prevent or intercept maloclusion problems
● what is transdiciplinary work?
● a view beyond teeth and caries
● to treat or not to treat – what are the decision criteria
● prenatal and the prevention of disorders in infants – what to observe in the ultrasound.
● premature babies and the impact on craniofacial development
● extraoral and intraoral anamnesis – practice of evaluating gingival strips in babies
● craniofacial evaluation
● classification of gingive roller
● the stomatognatic system and the physiology of breastfeeding for the prevention of disorders
● prevention of disorders and monitoring eruption of primary teeth
● exercises and digital compression – practice of oral exercises
● exercises for the upper and lower jars
● baby appliances
Target audience:
Dental surgeons, health professionals or professionals who work with babies