News from the world of pediatric dentistry

Dental Restaurative Treatments On Children With Aesthetic Materials

Prevention is already known to the best treatment when it comes to dentistry as children should be taught oral hygiene rules and regular visits to the dentist from an early age. Nowadays we can talk about minimally invasive dental treatments based on intercepting carious disease and preserving dental tissues with biocompatible materials. The techniques used are quick, simple and painless for children – no instruments are needed, there are no sounds to cause children anxiety and the time spent in the chair is extremely short, which is why they are especially recommended for very young children who are not so patient let alone cooperative.

Types of restorative treatments

As much as we would like to avoid surgical or mechanical intervention to treat injuries, sometimes we end up left with no choice. This is often the case of lesions detected in the middle or acute phases. In the case of lesions detected at an early stage, we can dive in by stopping the carious lesions in progress, remineralizing the demineralization stains by brushing and fluoridation (there are fluoride-based remineralization varnishes that help us treat caries at an early stage, when the first white chalky stains break out on the surface of the teeth), excavating the infected tissue and leaving the affected tissue over which regenerative treatments are applied. Biocompatible materials that ensure long-lasting restoration are of great help in this phase. These treatments are highly effective and have no adverse effects over time. The greatest advantage is that they can be successfully applied even to very young children.

Aesthetic restorations in the frontal area are a topical requirement, even for young children. The appearance of the smile has been important since kindergarten, and carious lesions on the front teeth can have a significant psycho-emotional impact. Moreover, these lesions are not only unsightly, but also non-functional and sometimes painful. Restoration can be achieved with composite materials, zirconium crowns and caps incorporating fluoride-releasing materials.

Zirconium crowns are becoming an increasingly popular option because they perfectly mimic the color of the natural tooth, cover the tooth and are a very good replacement for the tooth when the dental tissues are damaged, but not the mobility of the tooth (which is why it is kept on the arch). Zirconium crowns are now also the best option from an aesthetic point of view – even for children, it is no longer just the functionality of the teeth that is important, but also the aesthetics.

Prevention, the best weapon against caries

Prevention and minimally invasive dentistry remain the best weapons against caries. Today’s parents are children who have grown up with a fear of the dentist, and we can change that, we can intervene in this education process and make dental visits for children a normality. If parents insist on oral hygiene rules from an early age and regularly take their child to the dentist, they will find that prevention is much cheaper and more effective, treatments are shorter in duration and costs are lower. In addition, they will have a child with healthy teeth, who leaves the dentist’s office with a smile on their face and not with trauma and fear and anxiety as was the case 20-30 years ago.

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